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- Don't put chlorine pucks in a skimmer...especially if the equipment
is on a timer or frequently turned off. Concentrated acidic chlorine from
the pucks can be quite harmful to you and very hard on equipment, plumbing, main drain
and liners >(bleaching around pool bottoms main drain is an obvious sign
of pucks in skimmer).
- Loosing water on your pool particularly if the equipment is running? Check
you backwash line coming from your sand filter. Water may be leaking out
- Remove solar or thermal covers when they are not in use gaining or keeping
heat in your pool, eg. winter. You will find the cover will last much longer
and the pool will be easier to keep clean and maintain. In most cases covers
do not help keep a pool clean, they actually hinders the skimmers
performance of removing things from the surface of the water before it
sinks. (safety and auto covers excluded they generally help keep pool
- Turn gas heater off 15-20 minutes prior to turning off pump/water
circulation. This will allow time for the heater to cool down if recently
fired and residual heat to dissipate.
- Never drain a vinyl lined pool without professional assistance. You risk
shrinking the liner or causing huge wrinkles.
- Maintain your pH much easier by simply maintaining your alkalinity. Raise
Alkalinity to 80-100 ppm. with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
- Bring calcium and alkalinity levels up to high side of ideal (particularly
on plaster pools) in the winter. It is more important to have calcium in
cold water than warm or hot water particularly with plaster surfaces.
Calcium dissolves better in cold water than hot. In other word plaster is
damaged most in the winter than summer, calcium prevents this.
- A circulating pool is less likely to freeze.
- One of the best ways to manage algae problems is frequent, diligent
brushing... regardless of the chemicals you choose to eradicate it with.
Spa / Hot tubs
- Closing your air controls on your spa and reducing as much air as possible
coming through the jets when the tub is not in use will greatly improve your
heat saving efficiency. As much as 50% heat savings. (Ozone bubbles
- Turn gas heater off 15-20 minutes prior to turning off pump/water
circulation. This will allow time for the heater to cool down if recently
fired and residual heat to dissipate.
- Maintain your pH much easier by simply maintaining your alkalinity. Raise
Alkalinity to 80-100 ppm. with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
- Don't put chlorine or bromine tablets in a skimmer...especially if
the equipment is on a timer or frequently turned off. Concentrated acidic
chlorine from the pucks/tablets can be quite harmful to you and very hard on
equipment, pump seal, heater, plumbing, main drain. In addition you won't
have control on dissolve rates. (Always use an appropriate feeder for dissolving
- Don't leave your spa drained and in the sun without a spa cover on or
water in it. The sun can cause heat fractures primarily on the north side of
the spa (north east and north west sides too) from overheating the acrylic,
fiberglass and foam insulation. This is especially true on very hot sunny
days with high gloss dark color surfaced spas.
- If your equipment breaks down in cold weather, you can prevent freeze
damage to the equipment with a strategically placed trouble light (40-60
watt light bulb) Don't allow bulb to touch plastic as it will melt it. The
bulb will produce enough heat to keep the bite of frost at bay. Optionally a
space heaters or hair drier will also work.
- Avoid leaving out door equipment (pump) off for prolonged periods of time,
particularly in the spring and fall when condensation is at its worst.
Moisture gets into the motor an seizes it up and or causes the GFCI breaker
to trip. Put a source of heat (like a light bulb) near the motor to drive
moisture out or to prevent it from getting in.
- A circulating spa won't freeze.
There are some more good ones here. The Do's
& Don'ts