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General Categories Available below
Home Service & Repairs Hot Tub Covers Products Chemistry Resource Lots & Lots of FAQ's! Tips-Must Read Manufacturer Links Contact Us
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for detailed product information, Installation Manuals and Technical
Bulletins. Many of the following websites offer just that. If you
see something that you would be interested in receiving more information
about please contact us at 604-464-7727
O. Smith/Magnatek - Replacement Motors
Air Supply - Air Blowers
American Products/Pac Fab
- Equipment
Anderson Manufacturing -
Leak Detecting Supplies
Aqua Leader - Above
Ground Pool Manufacturer
Aqua Leisure -
Inflatables, Toys, Games
Aqua Products -
Automatic Vacuum Cleaners
Aqua Vac Systems -
Automatic Vacuum Cleaners
AquaChek - The best Test
Strips available
Aquasol - Automatic
Chemical Controllers
Astral Products -
Pool and Spa Equipment
Atlas Minerals - Makers of
Epoxy Bond Pool Putty
Baja Spas - Portable Spas
and Spa Shells
Balboa Controls
- Computerized spa controls and spa paks
Baker-Hydro - Pool and
Spa Equipment
Baracuda - Automatic Pool
Blue White - Feeders and
Flow Meters
Health - Consumer Advisory on Chemicals and Pesticides
Capo Ind - Pool and
Spa Chemicals
CAT Controls - Automatic
Chemical Controllers
Chem-Trol - Automatic
Chemical Controllers
Cinderella - Makers
of Aluminum Coping
Clearwater Tech -
Coates - Electric
Pool and Spa Heaters (Commercial High Amperage & multi phase)
Comfortzone - Hayward
Compool - Electronic Pool
and Spa Controls
Confer Plastics - ABG
Ladders / Steps
Cornelius Pools -
Above Ground Pool Manufacturer
Crystal Glass Tiles -
Glass Tile Supplier
CTI- Correct Tech Inc.
- Digital spa pak controls manufacturer
Del Industries - Ozonators
Delair / Ester Williams
- Above Ground Pools
Dura Plastics - PVC
Feherguard - Solar Reels
Fiberstars - Fiber Optic
Flo-Pac Corporation -Pool
Fountainhead Technologies -
Zodiac, Nature 2
Electronics Inc. - Digital spa paks and controls
Goldline Controls
- Electronic Chlorine Generators
Great Lakes Biochemical
Hayward Pool Products -
Pumps, Filters, Heaters
Hydro-Air - Pool and
Spa Fittings
HydroQuip - Spa Paks
Interfab - Rails, Deck
Equipment, Slides
Intermatic - Time Clocks
InnovaPlas Products -
Pool Steps
ITT Marlow -
Commercial Pumps and motors
Jandy Controls - Electronic
Kafko Manufacturing -
Inground Pool Kits
Kelley Technical - Paint
Kreepy Krauly - Automatic
Pool Cleaners
L. M. I. - Liquid Chemical Feeders
LaMotte - Testing Equipment
and Supplies
Leisure Time - Spa
Len Gordon - Air Controls,
topside controllers
Letro - Automatic Pool
Little Giant - Cover
Pumps, Sump Pumps
Loop-Loc - Safety Covers /
Magnatek/A.O. Smith -
Replacement Electric Motors
Mec-O-Matic - Liquid Chemical
National Pool Tile (NPT) -
Pool and Spa Tile
Natural Chemistry
- Natural Enzymes Formulas
Nature 2 - Alternate
Mineral Purifier
Oase Pumps - Fountains
and Nozzles
Olin - Now Arch
Chemical, Makers of HTH
Omni / Hydrotech - Pool
and Spa Chemicals
PacFab / American Prod -
Pool & Spa Equip.
Pacific Echo - Flexible
PVC Pipe
Paragon Aquatics -
Commercial Deck Equipment
Plastiflex - Vacuum Hose
Pleatco -
Filter Cartridges
Polaris -
Automatic Vacuum Cleaners
Polytech / Langer
Industries - Above Ground Pools
Poolguard -
Safety Pool Alarms
Poolmaster - Toys, Games
Powermat - Pool Solar Panels
ProTech -
Chlorine and Chemicals for Pools
Pulsafeeder/Mec-O-Matic -
Auto.Chemical Feeders
Quaker Plastics -
Rainbow Plastics -
Maintenance Equipment
Ramuc - Swimming
Pool Paint
Raypak - Residential and
Commercial Heaters
Recoton - Electronic
Richey Ind -
Commercial Pool Equip
Robarb/Laporte - Pool
Rock'y Easy Rollers
- Pool Cover Roller Systems
Rola-Chem - Automatic
Chemical Feeders
S. R. Smith/Swan - Res.
& Commercial Deck Equip
Schundler - Pool Base and
Ultra Mix
Smart Pool - Pool and
Gate Alarms, Lighting
Sonneborn - Expansion Joint
Speck Pumps/Badu Jet -
Swim Machine
Sta-Rite/Swimquip - Pool
and Spa Equipment
Swimways/Kransco - Toys,
Games, Inflatables
Taylor Technology
- Testkits and Testing Supplies (one of the best)
Teledyne Laars - Pool and Spa
Triac - Drop-In Steps, Liners
Triad - Commercial
- Commercial & Residential Patio Furniture
Unicel - Replacement
Filter Cartridges & Elements
Pools - Above Ground Pool Manufacturer
Waterpik - Laars Heaters and
Jandy Controls
Waterway Plastics -
Specialty Fittings
Zeo Inc - Natural ZeoLite
and ZeoSand Filtration Medium
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