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from Durable High-Grade
premature fading and deterioration.
Supported by Extruded and Tempered Aluminum Channels.
strength under all weather conditions.
Rigid High-Density 1.5lb. Foam Core and Heat-Saver Sealing Gaskets.
Reduces heating
Foam protected by a heavy mil, heat-sealed vapour barrier.
resistance to vapour transmission for greater cover life.
Security Lock Kits included.
Provides extra
safety and security.
Comprehensive extended 2 year warranty.
Reassurance of
quality manufacturing.
POWER SMART approved (4" to 3" Tapered Covers).
STA-WARM specializes in custom design and unique application
Double reinforced handles for easier handling.
Ultra-Violet Resistant and Cold Crack resistant to -10 deg.
Fahrenheit (-23 deg. Centigrade).
Reinforced Polyester Vinyl for underside.
High Density Type II (1.5 lb Closed-Cell) insulating foam core:
Thermal Resistance (R) value is 4.04 per inch
Power Smart cover has an R-Value of 14.14.
Hermetically sealed, Extra-Thick, Custom Formulated Polyethylene
Vapour Barrier Extends life of foam inserts.